An underlying disease is not always connected to anxiety. It can be caused by stress, trauma, personal problems, serious medical condition, side effects from medications, alcohol & drug consumption, or lack of oxygen. But sometimes, it may be related to underlying conditions like panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, drug and alcohol withdrawal, bipolar disorder, or agoraphobia.

Anxiety appears differently for each individual, and each has its own set of symptoms, but all anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive, unreasonable fear and dread. For one person, it might have the biggest influence on their social life. At the same time, someone else may feel physical symptoms—some other people with an anxiety disorder experience intense anxiety for more than six months.

If you are struggling with Anxiety and affecting your daily life or you know someone experiencing it, please call a doctor immediately so that they can refer them to the right institution and help them assess what they are dealing with right now.

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